CBU Wifi network has started to broadcast in Alaşehir Vocational School
Transportation from Alaşehir to other cities and towns and from other towns and cities to Alaşehir is rather easy. There are bus services from Alaşehir to İstanbul, Ankara, Antalya, İzmir, Çanakkale, Denizli. In addition, Turkish State Railways has train service to Manisa, Diyarbakır and Konya directions.
Phone: 0-236-6541201
Phone: 0-236-6543153
Fax : 0-236-6541200
Adres : Manisa Celal Bayar University Alaşehir Vocational School 45600 Alaşehir/MANISA -TURKIYE
Eposta : alasehirmyo@cbu.edu.tr